

HAPPY HOURS' with Happy hearts old age home, Coimbatore had been successfully completed with the distribution of 350 biscuit packets which will serve for a month and an interaction session.    Regards,  Rtr. Sanjita  Director of Community service View this post on Instagram A post shared by Rotaract Coimbatore Texcity...

Mega Blood donation camp

 Celebration Greetings,The Silver Jubilee Team of Rotaract Club of Coimbatore Texcity has planned to conduct a Mega Blood donation camp along with SNS Institutions. We have invited Kumaran Hospital, KG Hospital Blood Bank and IMA Blood Bank. The camp will happen on 29th April 2022 at SNS Institutions from 09:30 AM...


Warm Rotaract greetings,   "It is health that is real wealth & not pieces of gold or silver - Mahatma Gandhi"        In times like these it's really important to keep a check on your health and we're here to make it easy for y'all to track your health...

SAMATHUVA PONGAL – சமத்துவ பொங்கல்

The Rotaract Club of Coimbatore Texcity has taken up initiative to celebrate this pongal between communities. SAMATHUVA PONGALசமத்துவ பொங்கல்A Texcity's Celebration with Villagers & Orphanage StudentsOn 13th January 2022From 08 AM onwardsAt Violet School Backside, Gounder Mills.Let's Lead! Let's Inspire Change!So that we Become Beyond Belief. Thank You  View this post on...