
Warm Rotaract Greetings 

We the Rotaract Club of Coimbatore Texcity along with Children Charitable Trust planned a wonderful awareness initiative for World Girl Child Day


  • Live Awareness Program
  • Puppet Show
  • Pledge with Candle 

Warm Rotaract Greetings,

The Rotaract Club of Coimbatore Texcity, in collaboration with the Children Charitable Trust, organized a remarkable awareness campaign on World Girl Child Day, named “Queen”. The event featured a live awareness program, a captivating puppet show, and a meaningful pledge ceremony with candles.

 The live awareness program was skillfully conducted by Rtr. Viveka Surya, serving as the Joint Secretary, making the event both informative and impactful.


Attended By Rtr. Maikchelraj, Rtr. Viveka Surya, Rtr. Mehala & Rtr. Vetrivel

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