
Warm Rotaract Greetings,

We, the Rotaract Club of Coimbatore Texcity, in collaboration with the Rotaract Clubs of Dindigul, PSNACET, and Parvathy’s Arts and Science from Rotary International District 3000, have planned to celebrate World Polio Day with a special initiative:


We aim to celebrate a polio-free world, drawing inspiration from Rotary’s End Polio Moment. Our event will celebrate End Polio also foster fellowship and cooperation among the participating clubs.

Warm Rotaract Greetings,

The Rotaract Club of Coimbatore Texcity, in partnership with the Rotaract Clubs of Dindigul, PSNACET, and Parvathy’s Arts and Science under Rotary International District 3000, observed World Polio Day through a special campaign known as “END POLIO NOW.”

Our objective was to commemorate a world free from polio, drawing inspiration from Rotary’s End Polio Moment. The event not only focused on ending polio but also emphasized building camaraderie and cooperation among the participating clubs. We organized various interactive games among our collaborating club members to strengthen fellowship, which was an incredibly enriching experience.


Attended By Rtr. Maikchelraj, Rtr. Arjun, Rtr. Hema Sri Bhuvana from RID 3201 and Rtn. Rtr. Sunil gowthamraj (District Rotaract Representative), Rtn. Rtr. Shashaun (District Trainer), Rtr. Balaji (Area Rotaract Representive), Rtr. S. Manjunathan (District sectarist), Rtr. Venkata Ramanan (Zonal Rotaract Representative), Rtr. Vineeth (Club Service Director), Rtr. Naga Arjun (Student Empowerment) and other fellow Rotractors from RID 3000

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