
Warm Texcity Greetings,

We Rotaract Club of Coimbatore Texcity have planned our installation for the Rotary year 2023-24 as,


We genuinely hope that you will be able to join us for this memorable event and share in our excitement as we commence this journey of service, leadership, and fellowship.

We Rotaract Club of Coimbatore Texcity proudly inaugurated our“Revival”Installation Ceremony, featuring Rtr. Sanjula as the outgoing President and welcoming Rtr. Maikchelraj as the incoming President. This event underscored the club’s commitment to leadership, friendship, and community service, with the introduction of impactful projects. Distinguished guests, including Rtn. Dr. JAYAMURALI BALAGURUSWAMY, Rtn. MD MARUTI,Rtn. MD DEVI MARUTI, and Dr. RAMESH KUMAR, graced the occasion, while Rtr. Sathish Balakrishnan, DRR of RI DISTRICT 3201, stressed the importance of collaboration.and PDRR Rtn. CVR Karthikeyan , Rtn. Indira Manivanan were also make the Installation more beautiful by making thier Presence and  The club also dedicatedly contributed bicycles to those in need as part of its community service, and Rtr. Arjun Secretary concluded the event with a vote of thanks, setting the stage for a year filled with meaningful initiatives and Rotary-Rotaract collaboration.

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