

Greetings from Texcitians !! As the number of COVID-19 cases in India is rising alarmingly, the only way to protect ourselves and the people around us is by taking appropriate precautions.

But, Can the underprivileged people who are finding it hard to win their bread during this lockdown, afford to buy hand sanitizers and masks? It’s during times like these, we have to step up and lend them our hands.
We the Rotaract club of Coimbatore Texcity are nowhere with a fundraiser project “Shareit”, which aims at donating sanitary kits to the vulnerable and underprivileged. We have planned to donate the Sanitary kit on July 01 and planned to continue the donation with the funds raised as many people will be benefited from it.
The kit will comprise a hand sanitizer, mask, gloves, and disinfectant soap. Each kit costs ₹ 135
A donation as small as ₹ 135 by each one of you is a giant step towards achieving hygiene for all. So you can send your contribution through Gpay to 8825865220 Every penny counts

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